24 May 2022


Nearly all of the time GURPS stats here will be for 4th Edition.

Because 4th is an evolutionary development of 3rd Edition (Revised) most conclusions are unaffected by the edition change.

The logic of using an M16A2 over an FAL still stands.

The nomenclature changes a bit.

3e(R) doesn't have piercing damage.  Bullets did crushing damage with special rules which add up to what 4e calls piercing damage.

Something that appears to have gotten lost in my pontificating / proselytizing for GURPS is some basic conventions.  I explained this in a comment, but I'll repeat it here too.

GURPS only uses common every day cube dice like what you can get with Yahtzee.  You can buy dice for GURPS any place that sells a deck of cards.  This was intentional of the designers.

If you've played any other TTRPG you're waiting for the damage dice to say 2d6 instead of 2d.  GURPS doesn't need to specify what die when d6 are all there are.

Bullet damage is a combination of caliber and penetration.  Douglas Cole generated a formula to allow one to plug in several real world numbers and get out dice for 3e(R), and it still works in 4e.

If you click on the GURPS tab in the right sidebar --> you will find explanations and examples of lots of the rules.

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