08 May 2022

You Got Sucked In

Francis W Porretto over at Liberty's Torch got sucked in by a genuine racist.

Like the best racists, the author that Mr Porretto links to sounds oh so reasonable.

What he says sure makes sense.

He doesn't use CENSORED at all to describe black people.

But read it carefully.

But I've heard of Mr Johnson before.  He's a racist and an anti-semite.

We're better off not quoting him.

Especially since he's very close to the truth, it feels like he's got it correctly figured out.  But he's wrong.

It's not genetics.  It's not skin color.

It's culture and a refusal to make several notable subcultures conform to American culture.

It's something that wasn't a problem until The Great Society™ got going in earnest. 

Force that conformity, or they don't get to leave their little enclaves.

And I know it works.  Chinese, Irish and Italian immigrants did it.  Blacks were well on their way to having done it when LBJ and racist Democrats systematically gutted black family structure which leads us to the situation described in the milk shake thesis.

The situation is not because they are black.  It's because they were singled out to become second class citizens that society expected less of because the racists just knew that blacks couldn't be more than like children.  And with those expectations enshrined in welfare and redline districting...  They adhered to it.  Responded rationally to the feedback they were given.

The solution is not to be more racist.

It will be applying the norms of Western Civ upon everyone the same way, even if they are black rather than not because they are.


  1. LBJ should be burning in hell for what he ushered in back in the '60's

  2. Mark me as undecided. There is a strain of black culture in this country that makes me question whether there is something inherently amiss in the make up of the individual members of it. Africa, in it's most native societies exhibits the same tendencies. On the other hand, individuals in the present and historical history of black America refute a universal low IQ savagery. From Thomas Sowell to Candace Owens, from W E B DuBois to Booker T Washington, from Fredrick Douglass to Martin Luther King, you have a list of some truly exceptional people.
    Perhaps we have to accept that there is no universal answers to such questions.

  3. I have always argued what you have stated above, it’s culture- not race. A lot of government policies over the years have really F’d up black people. A while back I realized that you can’t argue with people who hold on to racist views in the friggin’ 21st century! Yea


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