23 April 2022

This Is How Wars Start?

American Federation of Teachers chief Randi Weingarten, who claimed decisions like DeSantis' [signing the no grooming law] are "how wars start."

Ms Weingarten, how are you going to fight that war?

We have all the guns.

Y'all teachers might wanna consider shutting up and laying low for a few years because the voters started getting pissed at you over what they saw during the lockdowns and you've done nothing to mollify them since.  In fact you're fanning the flames here.


  1. Good. The teachers' unions need to be busted up and burned on the trash-heap of history. Local districts need to be able to get rid of idiots and incompetents and be able to update the curriculums to non-bullscat edumacation. Maybe change about half the arts magnet schools to tech schools, as it is painfully obvious we need more welders, carpenters, electricians and mechanics over singers, dancers and actors.

  2. Far left hate groups like the one Randi Weingarten heads are the real threat to democracy, not their made up "white nationalist racists". They want to provoke the federal government to start a war against anyone who isn't to the left of Chairman Mao politically. As has been said, this would be a war that would be a disaster for everyone, but ultimately the odds probably would go badly against the leftists. Even assuming they were able to get all the Federal, State and local LE and military on their side (which seems unlikely), they'd still be dramatically outnumbered and outgunned. And the typical "well your AR-15 can't fight against nukes" argument... If they decide to go there -- what a pyrrhic victory that would be even if it was successful for them. And if they have to impose draconian martial law in order to win... kinda proves the point that THEY are the enemy of freedom and democracy. You just don't see anyone at all close to the mainstream on the right calling for this kind of abridgement of liberties so cavalierly.


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