25 June 2024

A-B-O-R-TION In The Summer Sun

The Dems are pulling out all the stops to scare teh wimmins about abortion bans if Trump is elected.

In lots of places, it's now much harder to get one.  Even a couple of near complete bans.

In other places it's just as easy as it ever was.

How did this happen?

When the Supreme Court nuked Roe v Wade they booted it back to the states to decide for themselves and they have been.

Democracy in action!

Actual democracy, not "Our Democracy," as the Democrats define it.

I don't see Trump toeing the religious fundamental line that is the underlying fuel for banning abortions.

It should also be noted, for Republican run states that have made it a lot harder, abortion bans aren't near as important or popular as you might think.  Likewise, abortion isn't as popular as Democrats think.

But the narrative being spun by the Democrats is effective and sways voters.

Neither side is all that interested in the middle ground that most people are thinking when they think about when an abortion should be legal.

This large group doesn't have a voice, and they're noticing.

Could lead to some interesting politics.


  1. Considering that abortions are up since the Dobbs decision, I guess this is all a psyop to convince their voters there's a problem. Since California practically pays to fly women out there, stay for a while and get their abortion, and the other blue states are also helpful, just maybe not that helpful, who are they appealing to?

  2. I've said before and I say again that if both sides could get their screaming "all-or-nothing!" fanatics under control, we could have a modus vivendi that just about everybody could live with. But both parties are the captives of these fanatics, and the moderate voices are never heard. I've been active, off and on, with the local GOP for years, and I can testify from my own personal observations that many GOP activists are a lot less gung-ho on "let's ban all abortions to SAVE THE BAYBEEZ!" than the other side lets on. And I gather that a lot of Democrats aren't too cool with some of the laws blue states passed to spite Bad Orange Man, basically legalizing abortion-on-demand almost up to the moment of birth. --Technomad


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