06 June 2024


I know, and am friends with, more than one trans person.

The current shit about trans athletes doesn't make me think it's actually a trans issue.

It's an opportunist move by less competitive male athlete to be competitive.

You can't doubt their dedication to the sport they've chosen because the medical requirements are a bit steep; but I certainly do doubt they're actually transsexual.

Happily! I have a solution that should work for everyone.

It's a solution that's already in play, but most people don't recognize it because it's been in play for so long.

When you answer the question, "why is there women's sports and not just sports," you have the answer.

This will mean that the LGBT+ folks are going to have to make some important admissions about transsexuals.

Primarily that a woman who was born a man is physically different from a woman born as a woman.

Once we have that, we can treat them like women and have a third "sex" in sports where the trans-women don't dominate the sport.  If we don't, we're discriminating against people who were born women.

I suspect that when we make this third category we're going to see most trans-women athletes disappear.

I suspect this because I don't think the current crop is being honest about why they're trans.


  1. My own take is that a lot of this "transgender" thing is more a matter of a bunch of unhappy, deeply-troubled, very suggestible people who've been told that "transitioning" will solve their problems by a bunch of unscrupulous "therapists" who've been sold on the Latest Thing than an actual upsurge in real gender dysphoria.

    I have deep objections to the whole thing, largely because once done, it cannot be undone! If someone wants to, for example, go Goth or become a biker, all they have to do if they decide later on that this isn't doing it for them is to change their clothes, scrub off the makeup (if Goth) and make sure to cover up any ink they've got and all is coolness. But "transitioning" renders the "trans" person permanently infertile, and heavily dependent on regular infusions of hormone treatments to keep the body from trying to put itself to rights. That, BTW, is one of the reasons why I'm very much against the military offering "gender reassignment" surgery, and believe that all "trans" should be declared unfit for duty and medically discharged. AIUI, color-blindness, asthma and a whole lot of less debilitating conditions qualify for this---why should being "transsexual" be any different? Lest we forget, Corporal Klinger on MASH wore women's clothing to get a medical discharge from the Army on account of being crazy!!

    There were a few---and I emphasize few--- "transgenders" before this current craze. People like "Christine Jorgenson." Unlike this current bunch, they led quiet lives, went about their business and didn't scream and yell for endless, unceasing applause. One reason I am hostile to this whole phenomenon is because I dislike intensely being told "Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, so shut up, prole!"

    I also remember the "recovered memories" craze, the "Satanists abusing Sweet Little Children in Day-care Centers" madness, and other such things. This looks like merely the latest insanity to me.

  2. Declaring women's sports and women's locker rooms a penis free zone would cut back on the tomfoolery. If being post-op was mandatory a lot of the opportunists and the perverts like the Wii Spa flasher would be deterred because they would have to have their offending appendage removed.


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