09 June 2024

Fire In Space Ace Ace Ace Ace

I've seen people talking about a fire on the outside of the hull of a space ship in the new Star Wars: The Acolyte.

Fire needs fuel and oxygen.

Both are notoriously scarce in hard vacuum.

But the ship could be covered in stuff that's fuel, and it won't matter without oxygen.

I found the scene and it's a cheery little bonfire looking flame.

I can conceive of a couple of ways to get fire on the hull of a ship in space.

A hole in the hull expelling a fuel/oxygen mixture past an ignition source would do it.

There are several forms of self oxidizing chemicals which might burn in vacuum.  Hypergolic fuels, for example.

But none of the likely explanations for a fire outside the hull are going to look like a cheery bonfire.


I have to keep remembering that Star Wars is as much science fiction as Lord of the Rings.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you figure The Acolyte is about space witches, so it's magic that fire burns in space, there's your answer.


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