18 June 2024

He Wanted It Known It Was His

 I bought this book as a group of six Andre Norton books.

I last read this book when I was in 9th grade, but that's not why I bothered posting about it.

Steve Wylie put his name in it in several places.


Steve made sure that, even if you ripped off the cover, there was still proof that it was HIS book.

Update:  Could it be THIS Steve Wylie?  That'd be kinda cool.


  1. I read all of Andre Norton books growing up. It's because of her I learned to love reading and the escape of early science fiction.

    1. Same here! I'll bet I read that book a dozen times before I turned 12. When I first read it, it had been retitled "Star Man's Son." I have a copy of Daybreak-2250 AD on my bookshelf, along with many of her other series and individual titles. My favorite is probably "Quag Keep."

  2. So whom the heck is Steve Wylie?

    1. A prior owner of the book I own now. I know nothing more.

  3. I have a lot of Bill's old books; every one is marked "Ex Libris Wm. Gerber' on the flyleaf or first page.

    1. Someday, someone is going to ask, "Whom the heck is Wm. Gerber?"

  4. I remember reading that book when I was in 9th grade. And that is virtually all I remember about it.


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