17 June 2024

I Guess It Depends On How Observant Huh

The think that stood out to me about Chuck Schumer's little Father's Day grilling photo op wasn't the temperature of the meat, but the cheese on it.

I thought Chuck was Jewish.

I thought that Jews weren't supposed to mix meat and dairy.

Chuck doesn't strike me as being all that orthodox, so prolly OK for his sub-branch of his religion.


1 comment:

  1. It is my understanding that Chuck Schumer is a "Jew in Name Only". Non-practicing, and more or less an agnostic. That he doesn't even really make a pretense of attending services or observing religious holidays.

    All that said, there are cheats around some of those dietary rules that the practioners of the less strict versions of Judaism utilize. While the Orthodox won't mix any kind of dairy with any kind of meat, the less strict say it is OK to mix milk and meat from different animals. So of the burger is from cow and the cheese from goat, that is considered OK.

    All that said, it is obvious that the whole thing was just a set up for a photo-op and Chuck probably doesn't even have a clue about such "neanderthal" things as grilling. He oribably doesn't do any cooking at all. I'm sure he has servants who take care of that sort of thing.

    Chuck isn't like real, average Americans, even New Yorkers. He's the worst kind of political elite and people like him are what is wrong with America.


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