17 June 2024


"Foreigners committed 77% of solved rape cases in Paris in 2023, according to data from the Paris Police."

-Visegrad 24 on X

The way this is phrased, though, it could just mean that foreigners are bad at not getting caught and the native French are.

That's not 77% of rapes, but 77% of SOLVED rapes.

Now I want to see how many unsolved rapes Paris has and what percentage of them this 77% solved fits into.


  1. Of course if foreigners only account for 1/2 of the solved rapes... that would still make them grossly disproportionate to native French given that surely foreigners aren't over 1/3 the population...

    What they are probably going out of their way NOT to say is that it is likely that MUSLIM MEN are committing a massive number of rapes in France. Of course you are a terrible "Islamaphobe" if you dare say anything like that Islam not just permits but encourages this kind of bad behavior, especially if it is targeted to apostates and infidels. Of course I'm a terrible person because I'm not afraid to say the things the libtards don't want to hear.

  2. 77% of solved reported rapes. Even smaller sub set.


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