05 June 2024

Now Charge Him

I remember back 6 years ago when someone who was actually threatening someone got their ass killed and the person who killed them got convicted over it because the very slight repositioning of their feet didn't constitute a credible threat.

Former Deputy Duran used the exact same claim for using lethal force as convicted felon Drejka when shooting Airman Fortson.

Duran has been fired by the Okaloosa Sheriff's Dept for violating procedures.

This opens the door for him to be charged and I think, to be consistent, that his justification for use of force be dismissed just as Mr Drejka's was.

PS: Airman Fortson's posture was not threatening in the interaction that led to his death.  McGlockton was squared up to fight.  They aren't equivalent at all.  I feel like I needed to amend the post to make my snark a bit clearer.

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