04 June 2024

Because It's Pride Month

I am proud that the picture I took of my instrument cluster shows not a single warning light!

It's astonishingly common for people taking pics of their dash to have a check engine, ABS fault, low tire fault or airbag fault showing.

None of them have difficult solutions, they just don't bother.

It was driving me insane that Moxie had that wheel speed sensor fault that was disabling the ABS, Stabilitrak and AWD.  I'd have never, proudly, shown off my cluster with those lights lit.

And Moxie, despite the flat-plane crank, is NOT a hot rod I'm showing off.  She's just an Equinox.


  1. The trouble is, the "check engine" light is not nearly specific enough about what the Sam Hill is wrong! I've cursed the names and memories of the people who thought that symbols were better than English words for car instruments and such for many years.

    1. Now that the iconography is standardized, the idiot lights are as informative as an idiot light ever can be. The reason for those symbols is to be able to sell in any market, regardless of language. Europe really appreciates this.

      One thing I miss from The Precious is an oil pressure gauge.

      But, too often, the "gauge" is an idiot light in disguise. The needle will go to a "good" position as long as things are inside a defined "no problem" range and will either bottom or top out if there's a problem. That removes the warning of a needle that's creeping out of range.


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