28 June 2024

Green Scam

I noticed that The Beast has SPID code FE9 and Marv's has NE1.

These are the codes for the emissions.

FE9 is Federal emissions standards. 

NE1 is basically the Northeast states that have adopted California's emissions standards.

YF5 is actual California emissions standards.

So I tried looking up what parts were different to conform to the California but not California states.

It's not PPV specific, but it sums up what I found succinctly.

As noted, all Corvettes are mechanically the same and meet 50 state federal emissions from the factory. However, that is not good enough for a new car registration in California. It must be ordered to meet California emissions and reflect that on the RPO codes. While it is ridiculous and simply bureaucratic red tape, it is what it is.

If your car does not have YF5 you will have a long, up hill battle to register a new car in California. If it is a used car and has more than 7,500 miles on it, it can be registered but will have to pass a smog check.

Emission Ordering Options:

FE9 FEDERAL EMISSIONS. Use for ordering vehicles that will be registered in all states except California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.

YF5 CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS. Use for ordering vehicles that will be registered in California.

NE1 CT/MA/ME/NY/PA/RI/VT EMISSIONS. Use for ordering vehicles that will be registered in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island or Vermont.

The decal that people are referring to in the above posts looks like the one pictured below. This is a NE1 decal used for cars to be registered in the New England states. Notice that it specifically states California compliance on it as the New England states have adopted California emissions.

Yes, you're reading that right.  There's no actual differences in emissions between a Federal standards car and a California car. 

What that means is CARB is setting the national standard!

That's bullshit!

1 comment:

  1. But we knew that already, right? Most of the enviro bullscat comes from California.


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