16 June 2024

They've Never Driven It

Facebook Marketplace has the same search engine as Amazon for giving you results that are only tangentially related to what you're looking for.

A search for Caprice PPV yielded a hit on a 1958 Chevy Biscayne.

In decent shape with a bog standard 235 ci Stovebolt Six.


The ad said it had an automatic transmission.

The picture showed too many pedals for that.


I'm guessing that the three-on-the-tree is throwing them and they've never even started the motor.

Tree shifters look like column shifters to someone raised on automatics only.

It looked to be in decent shape for a good price.


  1. I'd offer them 500 bucks, those wheels simply ruin the value. If it stinks inside, price goes down.

    1. They want $6k. From what I've seen, that's extremely fair. Non-running hulks that are more rust than car have been going for $5k.


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