21 June 2024


I love the look of a car that's lowered down to the deck.

But just for looking at.

Owning one and dealing with it isn't for me.

The Precious was quite low and it was getting old.  The air dam hit every small rise and the bottom of the nose showed the scars of steep driveways and tall speed bumps.

She wasn't even as low as many people take it.

The Beast could stand to be about an inch lower for looks.  The problem is finding springs that do that.

Stock G8 GXP springs do it, but nobody upgrading to coil-overs or a lowering kit seems to have saved theirs.

The 2-2.5" lowering for a G8 is 3.5-4" on my car.  Too low for the tires and wheels I have, and I'm not super wide on the tires.

I'm still researching.

1 comment:

  1. In El Paso, the drainage depressions in the streets are extra deep because when it rains, it tries to make up. I had a Buick with a plastic front license plate holder that was below the bumper and had to keep going back for it.


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