28 June 2024

Road Trip!

Drove down near Miami to let Marv join the PPV Cult

(One of us!  One of us!  One of us!  One of us!  One of us!)

It was my first time down Alligator Alley and the nav tab on my driver's information center even showed it!

The mission was successful and this lovely creature followed Marv home.

The Beast is a '12 Caprice PPV 9C1.  Marv's is an '11 Caprice PPV 9C3.

What that means is he has a less, um, industrial interior.  He has carpet instead of rubber flooring and his shifter is straight out of a civilian car.  There are several, small, detail differences between '11 and '12-'13 too.

Trip deets:


  1. If I may ask, how many shekels did that set Marv back? Looks very clean.

    1. He stole it, $8,500. Should have been $10k.

    2. Damned good negotiator, hire him next time you want to dicker ;-)


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