14 June 2024

But Not In Florida

Bump stocks are legal in Free America.

But not in Florida.  Florida has a law that says they're illegal passed under the "It's totally not gun control because we say that it's not gun control what did you mean RINO gun control law" passed in the wake of Parkland.

It's ammo that can be used to get rid of that stupid feel-good-do-nothing tranche of gun control signed by the lich who is now our junior senator.

Aside: Justice Sotomayor, what if it's a Goose?


  1. That's weird, but since I remember being taught in Basic how to do the bump fire thing to "simulate" having an automatic weapon... I mean we "found" M-16-a1's and swapped in the lowers for the a2's uppers for my first deployment.... So, never really HAD to use the training... But the most telling part of that training was the statement of "you can fire accurately or you can fire rapidly, choose one"... But YMMV I suppose...

    1. We could fire accurately and rapidly with our M240. But we were cheating. The coax is not hand held or even lightly mounted on a tripod.

    2. Yeah, I was just an Engineer, so... But as the TC (with the M-2 Browning) or dismounted with my 203... Well, if I was firing my rifle things were going "poorly" (I was the Demo specialist)... 2 deployments and I think I legitimately fired 2 magazines of 5.56... Lots of 40mm...

    3. We tankers were issued pistols. I don't remember the question that led to it it, but the answer was, "If you're using your pistol, Private, you have to ask yourself, 'where did the tank go?'"

  2. Doesn't a ruling from the Supremes nullify state laws that violate it?

    I sure don't have the money to challenge it, especially since I never owned or wanted a bump stock, but I got that impression somewhere. Maybe Diana Ross herself.

  3. Sotomayor, what an embarrassment to the universe.


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