11 June 2024

Where Does The Law Say?

We're all getting familiar with 18 USC 922(g) thanks to Hunter Biden's trial.

He lied on the 4473.

And there's the rub.

It's illegal to sell to an addict under 922(d).  It's illegal for an addict to buy under 922(g).

There's no law saying that you have to fill out any specific form.

It would behoove the dealer to find out.

Regulation is why there's a 4473 and it's used as a standardized format for calling in the background check (there's definitely a law requiring that).

Ever listen to the dealer talking to the person on the background check side?

They don't go down the 922(g) checklist.  It's just name, address and SSN (if you gave it).

The background check isn't even using most of what you've attested to!

It could be boiled down to a single question, "Are you prohibited from buying or possessing a firearm under 18 USC 922(g)?"

That's what they're actually asking when you check yes or no in all those little boxes.

But there's no law requiring you attest to your innocence.

But fucking up that form is illegal.

Something wrong about that.


  1. When I buy as gun in Texas they tell what make, model, caliber and SN of the gun I'm buying so the FBI can put it on their registry.

    I know they look at all the questions and answers and have to keep it on file as long as they're in business.
    ....Don't know if they're required to send a copy to DeeCee or not, though.

    1. The FBI would NEVER do that! Nor would they sell dope disguised as nuns or run a preschooler's prostitution ring.

      Not them.

    2. Relax Charlie, I've got an angle on it.


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