11 June 2024

Felony Burn Out

A line I keep repeating, "Although I am a supporter of LGBT rights..."

Look, assholes, and it's the assholes of the LGBT community that are the problem here.

They're the ones who've captured the politicians to twist the laws that changes a counterpoint of one free speech to another into a felony.

Doing burnout on a pride flag is not a felonious act.

It is not malum in se.

It does no more damage to the road than painting.

But it's described as hate.

Kids, that flag painted on the road wasn't put there out of love.

It's there as a gigantic, "FUCK YOU!" to the people that the LGBT organizations hate.

Hate begets hate.

I'm personally aware of people who hate that flag painted on the road who've bought their gay neighbor a new 3x5 rainbow flag because the old one was getting ratty.

The burnout has less to do with hating LGBT than being pissed off at The State choosing sides against them.  Again.

And as an act of defiance against The State, it's protected speech.

You gotta let the KKK march in Skokie, you gotta let the rednecks do burnouts in an intersection painted like a pride flag.

By the way, if one can do ANYTHING they want to an American flag, then there cannot be a more restrictive rule for other flags.  Not that things making sense has ever bothered these idiots.


  1. I guess I'm having a really hard time justifying the felony thought crime on one side but not the other... Personally I find it offensive when people burn American flags, but as long as they are burning their own flags I do not believe it should be illegal/punishable... The whole equal treatment thing, but since apparently some animals are more equal than others...

  2. And nobody is talking about the 'real' crime here. That the city used taxes, usually onerous ones, to pay for the damned thing to begin with rather than using it to fix a pothole or something that they're supposed to use tax money for.

    And what unelected bureaucrat or overpowered city commissioner decided without a hearing to put said flag down? Love to see the FOIA or Sunshine Act finding on that (most likely did it behind closed doors.)


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