29 June 2024

WARNING Light Is Indicated - Life Support

It's amazing how much difference 3 degrees makes in comfort.

AC is set to 76 and I woke up thinking, "it's a little warm in here."

Thermostat says 79 and the compressor is on.

Uh oh.

Check the drain line.  Clear.

Check the capacitor.  Good.


Call in The Man.

He gets here and checks the fuse panel.

We'd lost a fuse.

I should have checked that myself, dammit.

1 comment:

  1. Always check the circuit breaker first.

    Then any fuses on the unit.

    Then the contactor switch.

    Then the run capacitor.

    After that, any wiring or wiring connections.

    Then check the furnace air handler fuses and blower motor.

    Then contact the repairman.

    In the past few years, i have replaced a contactor, run capacitors, and a blower motor.


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