11 August 2021

Not So Fast Your Honor

I hears that the Texas Supreme Court has overruled the lower court's decision about arresting the participants in the fleebuster.

I would like to quote the noted legal scholar Nelson Muntz, "HA HAH!"

The Democrats have done this numerous times to prevent a quorum, and I can see the state getting ever more draconian about making sure that state congresscreatures show the fuck up.

That Ranger who never gets farther than three feet from you the entire time you're in office?

Purely for your protection, congressperson.

AND to make sure you don't get lost on the way to the capitol building.


  1. Well, if'n an Real workingstiff American ever don't show at work, the boss withholds the pay check.

  2. My proposal to handle it is this... if 51% of representatives PRESENT vote that an absent member is absent strictly to prevent a quorum then they will be declared to have abandoned their seat and shall be remove from it for the remainder of their term. The governor would then appoint a replacement to serve the rest of the term.

  3. The Texas Legislature has also enacted the hall pass rule. Seriously, any requests to leave the room must be submitted in writing to the head of whatever chamber one is in and the head will write out a hall-pass detailing what is to be done outside of the legislature hall.

    Damn. What's next, sitting the terminally stupid in the corner with a dunce's cap on? If so, they'd better have lots of corners.

    As to the whole arresting thingy, would be nice if it was a felony charge that stuck to them like, well, a felony charge does, for life.


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