06 August 2021

Too Many Things

As I watch the attempt by government to force us to get vaccinated for our own good...

It hits me that you shouldn't have to force someone to do something that they want.

It also hits me that a truly democratic nation shouldn't be able to force the population to do something they don't want because the population controls the government.


How many things in your life are government mandated you wouldn't pay for if you had the option to skip them?

I know my car would be much simpler.


  1. Heh. Imagine you could order a car, truck, a vehicle without the safety features of seat belts, air bags, catalytic converters, anti-lock brakes, unleaded fuel and computer chips. All of those things were mandated by federal bureaus that were brought into existence in my lifetime. In a free country the customer would specify that he wanted that shit and would pay extra for that shit... Options. Base models. Price versus utility.

    Here and now, in clown world, rooms full of diabolical narcissists (feds) get together and demand that the people that pay their wages do stupid shit like modify their DNA. And some will do what the shady people *demand*. When I swore that oath to defend and protect the law of the land, it did not include anything about doing what communists said, or wrote, or voted on. The oath was more like a lifelong commitment to killing those fuckers.

    Death to tyrants, all sizes, shapes, colors and whateverthefuck they identify as.

  2. Back in the 60's, seat belts were an option some of the time; they were rarely factory.

    I find it interesting how they seem to be choosing methods that extend their authority instead of using existing legal means...
    Also, they don't seem concerned by the fact that for most of the country there are no records outside the individuals pocket to confirm vaccination...

  3. the more they insist, the more i know i'm right to resist. they are quickly running people like me out of peaceful options. when we are out, katie bar the door.

  4. Something about being forced at the end of a gun to get the jab for our own good... Yeah.

    It's not like the threat of Polio, or Diphtheria, or Cholera, or Measles, which were real killers and reapers of people in our parents' time, and some of our time.

    Yes, I know, the Chinkypox is real, people have died, blah-blah-blah. But so have people from 'regular flu' and from a number of other things out there. Still, when you look at it, the single most dangerous 'bug' out there is rampant leftism leading to international or national socialism. Which, curiously, often makes people do things at the end of a gun for their own good....


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