18 November 2021


There are several places which have a very high percentage of their populations fully vaccinated.

They are experiencing surges in Wu Ping Cough that are similar to when there wasn't any mRNA treatment.

It suddenly occurred to me that if this "vaccine" worked at all then any surge in the disease must be much smaller because the vaccinated should be immune and there should be many fewer people who are susceptible to the disease to catch and spread it.

That's how smallpox and polio worked.  More people immune, fewer people catching and spreading until; poof!  No more smallpox or polio except in labs and biowarfare facilities.  Every successive wave of the disease was smaller than the one that preceded it.

Now there's a report from Israel that suggests that more people died of the mRNA treatment than would have died of the disease.  I definitely wanna see that data!

1 comment:

  1. It makes me glad that the vaccine I got was not one generally available in the US unless through clinical trials... And it is not mRNA based, but a traditional vaccine made with cloned virus tips. From everything I've read about it the effectiveness has tested much better than Pfizer, Moderna or J&J. I've been out and about for months unmasked unless forced to, and been around people who got Covid. If the vaccine I got didn't work I suspect I'd have gotten it by now. But I've had other medical issues that I ended up in the hospital for, and I've had numerous Covid tests, all negative both there and at the research facility where I got the vaccine.


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