03 November 2021

I Tried To Listen

I had the live feed of NYSRPA v Bruen running.

I caught a couple of zingers, but it became:

I am hopeful we get an OK ruling from this.

I doubt we'll get the best, correct, ruling from this because we're in the nibbling by ducks stage of rights restoration; but forcing NFYS to have shall issue permitting would be a huge victory for our side.

Florida going shall issue set off a cascade of gun rights wins that still hasn't stopped nationally, even if it has stalled where it started, who knows where a NFYS defeat will go?

I'm intrigued by the discussion of what level of scrutiny to apply should the history and traditions surrounding the right fail to bring clarity.  The Court appears to be inching towards a, "this answer had better start getting consistent because the lower courts have produced a smorgasbord of answers and are in disarray because of it," position.


  1. Gun Rights in Florida have, curiously enough, stalled because of massive infusions of anti-gunners from... New York (state and city) and New Jersey.

    Dangit. We should have been the first to go Open Carry and Constitutional Carry, but, noooooo,,, too many squishy RINOs and outright Demonrat thugs. Dangit.

  2. Living in Michigan, there are many things about our system regarding guns and how our state deals with our purchasing them, and the forced registration of handguns that are simply not right. But one thing that we do well, is that we recognize all out of state CCW permits from any other state. And so rightfully, most other states will also return the favor and recognize our states permits also. There are a few like of course the uber liberal states that are loathe to even recognize their own citizens permits that won't recognizes ours, but I can see the utility of a universal CCW permit for the entire country. Or at the very least, a system like drivers licenses where every state recognizes the other states permits. One would think that the U.S. Constitution would be the guarantee of that, but then again, one would think that the U.S. Constitution would negate the need for such a permit.


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