15 November 2021


If Rittenhouse is convicted, I can certainly see someone like him in the future who's beset by the mob and forced to defend themselves to say, "In for a penny, in for a pound!" and rather than keep running towards the cops to spit on their hands, raise the black flag and wade into the mob firing.

If there's no path that leads to exoneration, what have they to lose?

This will inch towards a feeling that, "if that's the case, then preemptive strike is preferable."

This is fire being played with live on court TV.


  1. The woke and the Antifa keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing. A wiser thing for them to do might be to remember the warning: "Beware the fury of a patient man." Kind of like the South in the 1850s. They pushed and pushed, and did not realize or care that they were pissing the North off more and more. Finally they went too far...and hilarity ensued.

  2. Too true. As we've seen with Zimmerman, with the McCloskys, with, well, every 'self defense' trial that's been plastered in the media for the last 20 years.

    And then there's the Arbery 'murder' trial. Which was, at the time, ruled a self-defense shot because evidence showed the idiot charged people with guns, after being questioned while jogging in a neighborhood not his, coincidentally that 'jogging while in a neighborhood not his' was Arbery's motive while robbing and burlarizing, which was his 'job.'

    Yeah. The gotten-to jury convicted Chauvin for St. George of Fentanyl's death. And now it's in the hands of a jury which has been threatened, potentially doxxed.

    So, yeah, make self-defense illegal. See how that works.

  3. If Rittenhouse is convicted it will be a big signal to everyone that you're on your own and the government is working against the good people and that the Antifa and Burn Loot and Murder mobs work for the government.

  4. you have to remember antifa and blm do this crap in blue cities and blue states for the most part...they aren't going to hick towns in the middle of bfe texas or some other state full of "red necks" that shoot them and feed the left overs to their pigs and no one will ever find the bodies...there are videos they tried their marches and crap in some very red areas and got kicked out...i think if they find Kyle guilty you won't see any patriots at these marches...who would want to go if the chances are you end up in prison for protecting yourself...it's their goal to scare us in to non action...to scary the judge, the jury, those that will defend themselves...panzer guy

  5. I agree that the Rittenhouse prosecution was a threat against any who would resist the Democratic Storm Troopers. I guess that we will see if that works in a smaller town like Kenosha where the owners and employees of the small businesses that were looted (and the jurors) are friends and neighbors. Kenosha has been "soft" Democratic until they swung for Trump. Having the Democratic Governor call in the National Guard makes me suspect that he is worried about a blood bath. Maybe the local police let it be known that they could protect "their" town but that the rioters and their hired transport were on their own. The media has been pumping this up as some type of "Right-Wing" murder so their maybe an opportunity to find out how Kenosha reacts to riots and looting by people "from away". Could be very messy.


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