05 July 2022

Breaking All Existing Laws

Some asshole shot up the place near Chicago.

But because it was rich white people getting shot, it made the national news.

Because it wasn't a minority doing the shooting, it made the national news.

Wanna bet they demand more gun control even though the crime happened in one of the most gun-controlled states in the nation?

I wanna know his FOID number.

In particular, I wanna know why:

In 2013, Highland Park passed an ordinance banning assault weapons within the city. In 2015, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit upheld the ban, and later that year, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the ruling to stand. 

Did not magically stop the crime from taking place.

I know I'm not going to get answers, but I am full of questions.

I especially want to know what the 15 RINO pricks who just helped pass gun control after Uvalde think that law did to prevent this asshole from doing what he did.


  1. An Italian with all kinds of neck tats. He is one of the Party People, it will be gone in no time.

  2. I too used to get upset. I mean, I was taught things and our country run a certain way because right vs. wrong and old documents and stuff.
    But thats not whats happening, is it?
    Start at the root. Then it all makes sense. Seen one meme already: Democrats are creating, causing, and manufacturing these mass shootings to further their gun control agenda - because its absolutely necessary they get those 300 million ARs off the streets ASAP or We The People are going to rise up and kill these sick fuckers dead Dead DEAD!
    And they know it. The tranny bizniz will push bible thumpers over the edge, crusades V. Its biblical, don't under estimate that.

  3. I find it Hilarious that our Agenda Media will now scream about the Parade shooter and the tragic loss of life non stop 24/7 while Ignoring the Expected and totally Normal higher body count that just happened in Chicago during their holiday hours that they call "an average weekend in Chicago"...
    And the Parade will be used to attack the God Given right of self defense to Law Abiding American Citizens so that they can not fix the problem they are screaming about.|

    Yeah, that last sentence didn't make any sense what so ever, welcome to Biden's America...

    MSG Grumpy

  4. Sadly, one of the 15 RINOs is from my (and your former) state.

    I heard an interview she gave between the procedural vote and the final vote that sounded like Democrat talking points.


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