05 July 2022


I am not a pro-lifer.

But even I am getting sick of the relentless screeing about how we've eliminated women's reproductive choices and virtue signalling by men getting vasectomies.

Hey, toots, you still have choices.

You can use birth control.

You can abstain.

Hell, in most states "Plan B" is available without a prescription at the local pharmacy and isn't considered an abortion.  You can still choose that.

The choice has just been moved from post-coitus to pre-coital.

It means you're going to have to PLAN about parenthood.

I notice that there are two large groups of women who are most pissed about this.

Women whom you doubt would ever get to have sex.

Women who've been having sex without having kids or getting abortions.

In effect, women who are actually unaffected by the ruling.