10 July 2022

That Moment When...

Watching F-Troop and realizing that although much is played for comedic effect, a great deal is historically accurate.


  1. One more of the TV shows of our youth that you couldn't make today.

  2. Probably couldn't make Leave it to Beaver, My Three Sons, someone would sue someone for Butthurtedness..

  3. They can and have remade our tv shows. Just look at the, what, 3 episodes of "The Nightstalker" remake that sucked so bad it made the, at the time, halfway cheesy special effects in the original Nightstalker series look positively fantastic.

    Then there's McGyver. Hawaii 5-O. Magnum P.I. SWAT (where the remake is all 'muh diversity' and all the bad guys (yes, guys, not very many gals) are white neo-Nazi white supremist nationalists.)


    They'd Lady Ghostbusters anything they'd get their nasty little hands on.

    Can you imagine the wankers today making a remake of "The Quiet Man"?

  4. cut the cord a year ago... love some metv and heroes and icons....a bunch of the old shows...highway patrol, Peter Gunn... green acres... just tv the way is meant to be...panzer guy

  5. Sounds kind of like the Tumbleweeds comic strip. Ever see that?


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