20 July 2022

I Am Amused

Watching the anti-gun people trying to make the Good Samaritan, who shot some asshole, in Indiana out as the bad-guy (or at least A bad-guy).

They keep walking right up to the edge of admitting that, yes, it would have been better if he'd obeyed the magical gun-free-zone signs and let some asshole shoot the place up more thoroughly.

So far they've caught themselves at the edge before they give away that a mass shooting is better for them than a good-guy-with-a-gun because they can get more gun control passed the more innocent blood there is.

Fucking ghouls.


  1. The kid took 10 shots-on-target. Post analysis by the coroner showed EIGHT were on target!!
    I want that kid at my back!

  2. Like the "global warming" fanatics, the anti-gunners are so sure their cause is righteous that no lie is too blatant for them to try to tell.

  3. funny how it that is so true McT...they would have rather the pos killed 30 people so they could use it for, pun intended, ammo for more gun laws...the pos nadler said today in hearings on hr 1808 they want to take common use firearms away from us...the pos gop that voted for the gun crap a couple weeks ago should have known they wouldn't stop there...nothing they do is never enough until we have nothing...panzer guy...


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