08 July 2022


Technomad emailed me talking about GURPS missing a skill.


Despite 4th edition being 18 years old, he's still referring to 3rd edition revised...

At any rate filching is in the rules as written.

Slight Of Hand is what you use to snag the item surreptitiously.

Holdout is what you use to conceal the item you've snagged once you've filched it.

This is true of both editions.

Filch is a normal skill in 4e.  I'd forgotten and misread the email.  Ooooopppsss!


  1. I always thought "Sleight of Hand" was more for stuff like small-scale magic tricks, or cheating at cards. I'll have to take another look at the rules. And I don't HAVE Fourth Edition; I put too much money into Third Edition worldbooks to want to change.

    1. 1. Eighteen years to get the money together. $55 for the pdf, $95 for paper.
      2. They're so different that your old supplement books no longer work.
      3. 4e is so much better organized than 3eR that once you've made the change you won't go back.

    2. I do have a few Fourth Edition books---Interstellar Wars and the one about the Miles Vorkosigan series. If I were more in funds I'd buy the main rulebook, but as a rule, I buy these things second-hand. And a lot of worldbooks have not AFAIK been updated. Even if I don't plan to play (I haven't had anybody to play with since Bill died!) they're often useful references, particularly for fictional worlds.

    3. The good news is most GURPS books don't need much in way of updating between 3rd and 4th editions, so they're still completely usable. The main thing that changes for characters is the point costs, so you can still use the NPC's as written for 3e.


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