13 December 2023

Doesn't Live Up To Its Name

Holden had a fun name for a color in the early '70's.

Lettuce Alone.

Cool name, I think, and it lets me break another of the Skeezer Rules.

Sadly, Lettuce Alone is best described as "baby poop" green.

Funds for paint aren't going to materialize for a good long time, but it's fun to plan.

We're oscillating between green and blue.

Green for the rules violation and because The Boy is a mini-hulk when he's in meltdown.

Blue for the car's nickname, The Beast which is what color Hank McCoy's fur is in X-Men.


  1. I feel no shame for the rules. I don't expect others to abide by them. Never did...

    1. The first time you intoned the list you made your acting roll by at least five and channeled Charlton Heston delivering the Ten Commandments.

      I know it was tongue in cheek, but it sounded like such a command from on high I just had to start finding ways to break all the rules. And the breaking thereof is as tongue in cheek as SoftwareMoses bringing the list to the unbelieving idolators.


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