13 December 2023

Willard Has A Building Clearing Philosophy Too

IDF clearing rooms and analysis.

Willard's method doesn't involve going inside at all.

WW2 methods involved lots of grenades and spray with automatic fire.

Interestingly, house clearing as depicted on TV shows like Combat! (In Color!) showed actual tactics because they simply did what the vets on set said they'd done.


  1. In point of fact Willard's method starts with a 90 mm main gun, proceeds to bunker bombs, and tops them off with white phosphorus. This method has been product tested/product proved.

  2. In Iraq and Afghanistan, US troops were not 'allowed' to clear the old fashioned way: Grenades, satchel charges, shaped charges, rolling a tank up to and through the building, rolling a tank up and taking it under point blank fire, rolling up a howitzer and...

    Instead, once they got locals trained up to acceptable standards, they let the locals clear, using... grenades, satchel charges, shaped charges, automatic fire from heavy caliber weapons, rolling a tractor or tracked IFV/APC over and through buildings.

  3. Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch says the best way to clear either a stairwell or a building, I forget which, is to back off and call artillery to bring the building down. I was just a sailor but it seems reasonable to me.

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