20 December 2023

Last Post

Unless the muse wakes her ass up, this will be the last post of the 2023 calendar year.


  1. That's cool. I have a goal of starting a blog next year and I'm already intimidated by finding enough to write about and writing well enough to be willing to publish it. You're one of my inspirations for starting a blog. I came for the gun stuff buck stick around for everything, even though that gurps stuff is incomprehensible to me.

    Have a happy Christmas and may your muses and good fortune find you often in the new year.

  2. Enjoy your break - you certainly earned it.


  3. Well then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the time off.

  4. I've thought about writing a blog but then I think again... yeah, nobody would care. I probably wouldn't even get 2 or 3 people who would bother to read and I really don't have anything valuable to say, it would just be catharsis on my part probably.

  5. Rest and recoup man. It's been a helluva year for everyone and especially you.

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  7. Thanks for all you do. We'll see you next year.


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