12 December 2023


Only five years after it left production, Matchbox has made a Holden Commodore VF SSV.

The Caprice PPV is a lengthened variant of the Commodore.

The VF series is equivalent to the WN Caprice, and mine is a WM which corresponds to the VE series, so this model isn't quite The Beast in this scale.

It's likely as close as I will get.  The only WM/VE car they made was a Ute (read Aussie El Camino).

I found several for sale on ebay and bought two.

The one pictured above came on a blisterpack card, like you'd see at the local store.

The other set off a wave of nostalgia when I saw the listing.

The Matchbox box!

Back when I was a little kid, getting a new Matchbox car was something of a deal.

You didn't pluck one off a rack in the toy section.

You went to the photo counter of the local Osco/Jewel and there was a display case of, maybe, 12 cars in it.

You asked the person behind the counter to get you the one you wanted and they handed you a little box, like the one above.

It seemed more formal than today.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, remember the Matchbox Ritual. It was to be treated as if you were an adult - - of course you went to the toy store with a parent, you weren't allowed to run around the store without a chaperone - - and so to the back of the store where the Matchbox glass showcase was, and often the store manager took care of Matchbox car sales himself.

    I think it was the advent of Hot Wheels that killed off the Matchbox Car Ritual.


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