02 December 2023

FAL Or Not

Should you get an FAL?

Of course!

They are a fine example of what a battle rifle could be in the early to late 1950's.

They are not a fully modern, modular gun.

Don't go into owning one thinking this is something that it isn't.

It's interesting that few people get into owning a Garand thinking they're getting a modern, modular battle rifle; but expect an FAL to be.

Not being modern or modular should not dissuade you.

They're great guns.

Magazines are not cheap and plentiful anymore, though.  Hmmmm, just like 7.62x51mm surplus ammo isn't cheap and plentiful anymore either.

I'm quite content with mine.


  1. The one that I most regret getting rid of in my much younger days... Have a bunch of other C&R ones and my Garand is my favorite by far, but... DO miss that old FAL...

    1. Me and the FAL go way back.

      The first one was in a land long ago, far away. An undocumented trip!

      My second one was an L1A1 kit built on an Entreprise Arms receiver.

      The one in the pic is my third.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Once again, another great gun I didn't buy because they'd always be there and always be cheap on the surplus market.

    Sooooo stupid.

    1. My DSA gun is because Harvey asked if we needed to get something in case Obama banned them.

      One of many good decisions stemming from listening to her.

    2. A wife that recommends buying firearms is a keeper for sure.

    3. A Hakim was one of those for me. I finally did buy one but ended up paying at least twice what they sold for if I'd bought one back in the day. Come to think about it... that was like 15 years ago now. Let me go look at what they are selling for these days... Holy crap. More than twice what I paid now from Royal Tiger. If I remember I either got mine from them or AIM Surplus. Maybe J&G but I don't think so. So many of these things that were out there and cheap back in the day that aren't now. Even stuff that used to be super common like Russian Mosins aren't cheap anymore. I remember buying 6 packs of "battlefield pickup" Tula or Ismash M44s for $39 each plus shipping from Centerfire Systems in around 2003-2005.. Chinese Type 53s for the same around 1989-1990 and those were in brand new condition.

  4. Is that Rhodesian camouflage?

  5. I think the expectation that a FAL should be modular and moder is because unlike its wood stocked contemporaries the M1 and M14 the FAL looks modern. That the equally "modern" looking AK and AR-10 aren't any more modular than a FAL doesn't seem to register.

  6. It hasn't been anything I've ever lusted enough after to buy one... but I sure wouldn't kick one out of bed for eating crackers. Right at the moment the only thing I have in 7.62x51 is a Springfield M1A that I've had since they were halfway affordable.


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