13 December 2023

I Think Not

No, Fox News, I will not be making a free account to read the rest of the story.

Your advertisers will have to figure out how to reach me on their own, thankyouverymuch.

You can blame the other websites who tricked me into giving them my email address for this.

But, another way to look at this is, your advertisers don't want me to see your content.

If I cannot see the content, I will stop going to your page.

If I stop going to the page, I will not see the advertising.

If I don't see the advertising, why would they keep paying you?

I lose little by not visiting a given site, what do you have to lose by driving me away?


  1. Amen bro. I have been deleting my bookmark links one by one as these sites go behind paywalls, subscription or demand every detail of my existence just to read them. Sad to lose em but I am not paying/suffering for what I can find elsewhere on the web, either domestic or foreign. Bonus is that some actually still report news and not just agenda.

  2. I agree - I already have way too many accounts, logins, passwords, and junk emails - your content and site needs to stand or fall on its own.
    You have to make a very compelling case for me to establish an account these days.
    I've noticed that lots of ecommerce websites won't even show you shipping without an account...


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