17 December 2023


Xmas is Christmas.

Therefore "Train Xing" must be "Train Christing."

Because it's not Crossmas.


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    1. Remove yourself. You're too fucking stupid to read the rules about commenting, you're not smart enough to add to the discussion or make demands about how I run the place.

  3. As long as it's not "Strap Yourself to a St. Andrew's Cross" day (unless you're into that...) I'm fine with it.

    It's kind of like the joke about using BCE and CE. Instead of BC for 'Before Christ' and AD for 'Anno Dominae', you are using BCE (Before Christ Existed) and CE (Christ Existed.) It's a great way to torture the politically correct leftist twitwad.

    And, Xmas works. Whatever floats your boat.

  4. Testing to see if posting logged into google works...


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