08 December 2023

Maybe She Found Out MLK Was A Republican

Racist Right Wing KKK White Male Gun Owning Conservative tries to burn down Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood home.

I don't actually know if she was a racist, but she isn't a white male.

I'm honestly shocked we didn't get a headline like my tongue planted firmly in my hyperbolic cheek from the mainstream media.

Demand for racism constantly outstrips supply.

I don't think they have a motive yet.

Just a black woman caught red-handed on camera doing the crime.


  1. That woman just seems to be bat $#!+ crazy. Not only to want to burn that house down, but to do it with people standing right there. I really have to thank those guys for handling the situation so well. I can't believe how calm they were. It almost seemed staged except I don't understand why anyone would do so.

  2. There are a lot more news stories out now. Turns out bat $#!+ crazy was right. According to the additional stores the lady is a Navy veteran who is experiencing "mental distress". The two older people in the video are said to be her mother and father who were trying to track her down by her phone. The two guys who stopped and captured her were reported to be off duty NYC Police Officers who were visiting the historic site.

    I think probably the video was out there and that's the reason we didn't get the typical knee-jerk assumptions that anyone doing something like this must be a middle aged white male KKK member or something.

    Anyway, I am glad she was stopped and I hope that she gets a little jail time and then more likely she needs to spend some serious time in inpatient mental care. I hope that this isn't just let go with a slap on the wrist and her right back on the street to do something crazy again like happens far too often these days.


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