20 December 2023

Only Game In Town

For a good long time I was the only person who was willing the be the gamemaster.

I was aching to be a player, but nobody else would deign be creative and make a world to make characters for.

I rather thought I was good at it.

Turns out, I was mistaken.  I was just the only one dumb enough to take the extra time and do the job.

Why, yes, I am bitter about that.

It also turns out that I would not be welcome at the table over some slight from nearly three decades ago.

So be it.

But if we're talking about shit where I should have walked away...

How's about not bothering to make characters...


Something is clear now.

Every time I came to visit and offered them a world to play in, they had not bothered to make characters until I showed up.  It was a stalling tactic, hoping we'd run out of time before we could start playing.

Well.  I feel better knowing that.

A little sad, but.

I wonder what I can get for these books on ebay?

1 comment:

  1. If I've been guilty for being a bad and/or greedy player, I apologize. I know I've been far from the best friend I could be. You are always welcome at my table though. I may not forget everything from 30 years ago (although probably most, as my memories have foggy spots and black missing spaces) I certainly try to forgive. And really you don't have a lot to be forgiven for. We were all young back then and I know I said some things and did some things I regret but we all did and it isn't healthy to hold on to those kinds of grudges for so long, especially if they are over minor things. I also know that being a GM is a lot of work and requires the kind of creative mind that I just don't seem to have. Every time I tried to build a world it was crap. Trite copy-cat stuff that was thin and weak on characters and story lines. People that can do it are rare and it is unfortunate if there aren't enough others to support that.


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