01 December 2023

Not Even Close

Texas Instruments says both of these calculators are Ti-36X's.

The one on the right is older.  The button layout and functions are identical to an even older Ti-36X Solar that I'd owned since high school.

They changed the case to what you see here, but naught else.

I'd gotten it as my desk calculator and the older, smaller cased one, stayed in my dice box.

Alas, that one finally died.

So the one pictured became the gaming unit and I sought to get a replacement for the desk.

They don't make an equivalent anymore.

I've had the Pro for a while now, and I'm only recently setting myself to getting familiar with how it works.

Unlearning decades of habits.


  1. Does the new one have a directional pad and a multi-line display?
    I'm equally stuck, while I haven't used my circa 1995 HP-48G in a while, I run an HP-48 emulator on my phone so I can still use Reverse Polish Notation.

    1. It does. Supposedly it can even graph!

      Not that I've needed a graphing function for decades...


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