20 October 2016

Voting Machine Integrity

I fired off a letter to my county election commissioner today.

He's been talking about how secure and unspoofable the electronic voting machines are.

I told him that doesn't mean there's no fraud, it just means that every vote recorded was actually cast by someone.

It doesn't mean someone didn't vote twice.

It doesn't mean that someone voted who shouldn't have.

I predict we're going to have more votes than voters, again.

1 comment:

  1. Besides which, he is flat-out wrong. It has been proven that some - if not all - of the electronic voting machines like the Diebold units (a Soros-owned company, IIRC) can indeed be hacked, turning a vote for a Republican into a vote for the Democratic candidate. Just one example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs6w5ihNbtY


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