07 August 2020


Not that they'll read it here...

Dear idiots.

There's no such thing as a "boogaloo movement".

You don't even understand where the term comes from.

"Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo" is the '80's film it refers to which is an unasked for sequel nobody wanted.

The "nobody wanted" is the important part.

Calling a repeat of something that nobody wants as something two: something boogaloo has been part of my vocabulary since that horrid film came out.

As to how it got associated with white supremacy?

Someone on a gun board, someone else can figure out whom, said "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo" and the meme took off.

The important takeaway is UNWANTED SEQUEL.

The real usage among the gun boards hasn't been racist, or even desirous of a new civil war.

I've seen it used more as a short-hand for John Parker's quote from Lexington, "Stand your ground; don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

It's tiresome to have to point out that this isn't racist, but we're going to have to explain everything to our tyrant children every little thing, every single time, aren't we?


  1. Reddit shut down sub after sub even vaguely related to this stuff including one so full of inside jokes and sh*t posting each other that it was essentially incomprehensible. But they talked about the big igloo so.....

  2. Hey Angus;

    I make jokes about it and it is a feature in my Monday Music, but no...I don't want to open "the 4th box" or as the ILOH says "Flip the switch" on 2.0" or anything like that, it will be horrible, nasty and nothing like anything seen on this continent if the Silent majority gets pissed enough to raise the black flag and start cutting throats. Once it starts, it won't stop until it is over because we won't do a repeat and it will be a horrible thing and I hope to never see it in my lifetime.

  3. Ringo Starr said it before it was cool. Back Off, Boogaloo...


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