10 August 2020

Then Why Did You Ask

A friend asked me to explain my politics.

I warned her that she'd have to listen for quite a spell without interrupting.

I didn't get to finish the first sentence...

Now I know when she brings up politics just to tell her to shut up.

You no listen to me, I no listen to you.

I don't think we're very far apart politically, but she came to her position emotionally.


  1. Had that conversation recently with my mom. I spent 15 minutes explaining the basics of my belief and she accused me of something. So I wasted about 45 minutes of my time hammering her (with love, it was done with love.)

    She doesn't like my politics. Which is fine, because I think, as lovely as she is, she's a brain-washed FDR democrat (which means democrat with a big side dish of socialism.) Still my mom, but she did ask...

    Funny, the way cell phones work, I could talk over her and just keep going on and on.

  2. And I took no joy in it. But she keeps pushing and pushing.

    Not my finest moment as a son.

  3. your 08:19 quote: "Bonus, there's no winning by conceding to the SJW so you've nothing to lose by refusing to appease."
    Very apropos.


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