05 August 2020

I Wouldn't Pull That Thread

Apparently VA hospital nurses are unionized.

They're not striking, but they are protesting over the imminent end of hazard pay for Wu Ping Cough.

Almost as an addendum to the article it mentions they demand an end to the systemic racism of the system they work in.

I agree.

Reduce staffing of black people from the over 65% I see every visit to the national proportion of 13%.

Did they think we didn't notice?

This is something that will fly under the radar of the average citizen because they never go to a VA facility for anything and have no idea how affirmative actioned the places are.

It's a very union shop now that it's been pointed out.  "Not my job" is rampant.


Their slogan is, "Human lives over profit!"  Ironic as the demand more money, no?

It's always OK for THEM to profit, which they never register that every dime they get will come out of something else, and that will end up costing lives.

Remember the poor old codger who died because there was no money to transport him from one side of the building to the other?


  1. It's that way in 'normal' hospitals. Many of the lesser nurses are not of US origin, and it shows when you try to talk to them. The here-diversity nurses are always complaining about being overworked and not paid as much as the (much more educated and much more experienced) caucasoid nurses who do all the charting, all the big drug administering and are the ones who you see moving towards emergency noises.

    Regarding the VA. If it is a government system, then there should be no unions. All staff should be paid roughly equal to what non-governmental nurses get paid in the area. This means a VA nurse should be paid more if they live in NYC because of cost of living. Here down in The South? Get real, the VA nurses should be paid what other nurses get paid. Maybe more if they're actually good and do their jobs.

  2. Nitpick alert:
    Ummm, would that be "imminent end" rather than "eminent end"?

    1. It was always imminent. I never had eminent they're. Yore mind is playing tricks on yew.

      Yes. I covered that won up. Know won suspects a thing.


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