21 August 2020

Quote Of The Day

In a thread asking, "Have you read Atlas Shrugged?"

"It is Russian literature, written in English." -- NuyaBidness

I think we can drop the mic on this one.


  1. That's actually a very perceptive thing to say. In a lot of ways, Rand was a Russian intellectual who had to operate in English, and during her education, she'd been steeped in Russian literature.

  2. "Have you read Atlas Shrugged?"

    Yes, but I didn't really enjoy it.


    1. It has a lot of good parts in it. IMNSHO, Rand was having plot bunnies all over the place, and instead of writing separate novels about them, tried to fold them all up into One Big Huge Enormous Mega-Huge Novel that would Explain Everything.

      The "Twentieth Century Motor Company" subplot, thrown off as an aside here and there, would have got her point across excellently well, and without fifty-page speeches that even I skipped.

    2. Yeah, a multi novel series would have definitely been better.

      I'm a decently fast reader, but even I bounced off the giant wall that is "the speech".

      My God that was a slog to go through.


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