19 August 2020

Reasons For Quitting Facebook

While the proximate reason I stabbed, "delete account," amounts to a rage-quit...

There's many reasons to never go back to my real-name account.  My nom-du-blog Facebook is still there.

First is the flying monkey effect.  If you're in a debate with someone about a political issue and having an actual reasonable discussion; your friends and their friends can come in and be less reasonable.  Since my "friends" never come in and stand up for me, you can see why this is triple annoying to have it happen repeatedly.

Then there's the censorship.

Then there's the chance one of the flying monkeys decides that the best way to punish me is to get The Lovely Harvey fired or dox us in some other way.

Then there's the expectation that I curtail my thoughts and opinions on a myriad of topics because they're "controversial" while having to endure the opposite position on these same topics silently from others.

I'm left thinking that if all I'm supposed to post is the most superficial and non-upsetting topics, then my "friends" on Facebook aren't at all interested in being friends with me, but a shallow, banal simulacrum of me.  They're willing to tolerate what I think as long as I'm willing to stop thinking it.

And lest one think this is a liberals problem...  I get it from the "I've found GOD! since high school!" group too.

Dig the archives here and you're going to find that I support LGBT issues and don't give a fuck that Planned Parenthood is murdering babies.  I don't have any invisible friends ghost writing books telling me how to be a better slave to them.  <-- Yes, that's phrased very inflammatorily, and with a lot more derision than I actually feel towards all y'all who've found and keep Faith in the face of so much contradictory evidence.

But you will also see that I want smaller government, fewer taxes, smaller taxes, and more liberty FOR EVERYONE.

While I don't give a fuck about abortion, I also don't think that someone who DOES should be forced to pay for it.  Especially if it's the invisible friend objection and tax money is doing the funding.

Just remember The Shitheels don't do abortions and they're devouring tax money hand over fist in assistance payments.  Abortion is cheaper and eliminates Shitheels, we need more abortion not less in this case.  I support your right to not pay for abortions, will you support my right to not pay for Shitheels?

While I support LGBT stuff, I support LGBT stuff for adults.  Not minors.  You turn 18 and wanna go through the process of having your junk cut off, have at it.  If you're 11 and think you want to change permanently, NO.  And no to your mom.  And no to gender bending drugs and hormones, especially ones which will cause hellish side effects come puberty.  Speaking of which, puberty might just change how you feel.  Puberty often DOES change how many young trans people feel about it, perhaps most.  Getting out of your home town and away from your parents often changes how you feel about it too.  I looked it up.


  1. You won't be surprised to find out that I agree with you on most of what you said. You also probably won't be surprised that I believe in your right to your opinion and to express it, even if I happen to disagree with something.

  2. I'm glad I never went down that rabbit hole.


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