26 August 2020

Race: Mutt

While I play up the Scottish side of my heritage... which is really English...

It's a long sordid story with an offer of lands and titles in England in exchange for support in some silly war and my ancestors being left with ONLY the English lands and titles when the dust settled.  The family name even changed from it.

But those folks moved to America and married.

We've a family legend of a Japanese grandparent.  I've met her.  She was OLD when my great-grandparents were merely old.  I am not sure if she's a blood relative or not.  She doesn't seem to turn up on Find A Grave or Ancestry sites...

We've got WOP.  We've got Norwegians.  We've got Germans.

If it weren't for the privacy issues, I'd do a 23&Me.

But what I want on my government form isn't "Causcasian" or "White" but "Admixture American".


  1. My mother claimed to be "pure southern Italian". Was not happy when I said that anyone that could float on a log wound up in southern Italy. Dad was of "northern European" stock. Last name came from France, but really, hardly anyone can claim "pure anything". I don't do ancestor worship.

    1. Well, there are degrees of purity...

      Apparently Scotland has a high degree of genetic affinity with Portugal. The theory is some Iberian fishermen in the way back got blown WAY off course.

      Then there were the Vikings doing their damnedest to make some hybrid vigor up there.

  2. I hate that the forms are all computerized and coded today. Before that time, when a form asked what my race was, I'd put "American"

    I don't care where my grand parents came from, I am an American.

  3. If it weren't for the privacy issues, I'd do a 23&Me.

    No Kiddin! Id do it in a heartbeat,, BUT,,

    Even that FitBit writwatch thing,, I wouldnt strap one of thos on,, And look who bought them,, Gargoyle,,
    Im waitin on lefties to control everything so they can use the REwards card that shows yyour purchases to tax us on what need recycled and screw us if a diabetic buys ice cream,,


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