18 August 2020

Dammit I Know This One

FuzzyGeff's car has been vandalized.

The outside, passenger-side mirror has been broken off.

The good news is they're designed to break away.

The bad news is it's broken away.

It's the sort of simple work I can do in all of ten minutes once I had the parts in hand.

With the 1,600 mile distance, I have to talk FuzzyGeff through "feel" for removing the trim cap from his old mirror.

Happily, the big huge secret to wrenching is it's normally quite simple.

He's armed with where to order from and a couple of YouTube vids.

We wish him luck as he walks into a wider world.


  1. So much for sleepy Ames being safe I guess. Does Geff think he was targeted for any reason or just some random act?

    I worry because Ames has gone to hell in a hand basket in the past decade or so. A lady who lived across the street from my parents was murdered in Ames a few years ago. When I was a kid most people around there didn't feel the need to lock their doors at night. Unfortunately those days are gone.

    1. Appears to be random assholery.

    2. Well, that sucks. Hopefully it won't happen again.

  2. And it's fixed, thanks to Thag's advice and a few tools I didn't have before. Even if we pretend my time costs like an actual mechanic's (no, it does not), I still probably paid less than just the part would have cost from the dealer.

    I'm not ready to forgive the vandal, but I think I got off pretty light, all things considered.

    1. I'm glad I was able to point you at the resources you needed to succeed!


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