30 August 2020


Most people found positive for Wu Ping Cough weren't positive enough to warrant being called positive.

Read, not sick OR contagious.

1 comment:

  1. Between this and only 6% of Covid deaths actually being from Covid, which puts the death toll directly to Covid down to 9,500+/-, we as a nation were played.

    Played hard.

    Which matches what we have seen.

    Negative action by a certain party before Impeachment fail. Remember Pelosi, Cuomo, De Blasio and others saying it was safe to come out and play during Chinese New Year? All the Donk resistance to Trump's travel restrictions from China and then Europe?

    And then Impeachment failed, at a time we should have been opening up the nation, okay, maybe take 2 weeks of lockdown and then open up, and suddenly the Donks and others on the Left seized upon the Covidiocracy to scream at us and control us?

    Can't go to grandma's funeral, but you can go to George Floyd's (who killed himself due to drugs, m'kay) funerals, plural funerals... Or to some dead congresscritter's end-of-life ceremony. You can riot in the street but not congregate in the back yard. You can go to pot shops and to protests but not to church. And teachers scream "Pay ME!!!" at the same time they scream "You're killing me by forcing me to go to school and teach your little brats!!!!" and "END HOMESCHOOLING!!!! END CHARTER SCHOOLS!!!!"

    This nation was just raked over the coals for absolutely nothing. A tanked economy (still only as bad as Barky's best years. Sheeple accepting restrictions like the Germans or Italians during their messing around with various forms of socialism.

    Sick. Just sick. If it comes out that the bastards at the various health agencies knew this and suppressed this, heads need to roll. Other doctors need to condemn the 'knowers and hiders' else they further taint the medical profession's already tainted reputation.


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