31 August 2020

Five Branches

There is a local brewery named Five Branches.

I've been in there exactly one time and had one beer that I didn't particularly care for, but friends of mine have had better luck so I'm not writing them off just yet.

Being a bit slow on the uptake, it took me a moment to realize, while looking at the decor, that the "5 Branches" are the five branches of the military and not five branches of a tree or river.

I can be taught!

I did get the owner to flash between anger and outright belly laugh when I asked to confirm it was the five branches of the military by naming them.

Coast Guard
Coastal Artillery
Lighthouse Service

The Marines not being a branch, despite their excellent PR team.

The Air Force, having left the Army, is no longer in the military...

It's all in good fun.  The service rivalries are not very serious really.

They apparently have a wall where you can buy a veteran a drink and they move a magnet from one side to the other to show that there's a drink for a vet available.  The vet gets a buy-one-get-one deal when they come in.


  1. So will they be changing their name to "Six Branches" now that we have the US Space Force?

    ==Dwight Brown

  2. LOL, sounds like an interesting place...


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