16 August 2020

We Have A New Neighbor

A hawk has moved into the in-laws oak tree and perches on their roof near sundown.

He's not near so camera shy as the cardinal.  I have not seen the cardinal since Harvey reported the residence of the hawk...


  1. Had one at the old house that loved to greet me as I drove out to go to work. Big red-tailed hawk coming right at your windshield is certain to wake you up. Who needs coffee with that going on.

    We have owls hooo-hoooting all over the place now. Fun to hear the males doing the whole 'This is my territory' thing.

  2. We've had one in our neighborhood, it dines on doves, pigeons and squirrels.

  3. We think this is a Broadwing Hawk from looking at online guides.

    My place is along their migration route. Normally they summer in the panhandle and winter in the south.

    Not sure why one would be residential here, but it's not unknown. Maybe it said, "screw this flying miles and miles when there's lots to munch in suburbia."

    In my pics it had a mouthful of anole (lizard) as it was flying to the tree.

    We also have a couple of Great Horn Owls and they are LOUD during "hey baby" season.

    1. I love the "hoot-hoot-guuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgle" sound. It makes me laugh to hear it.

  4. I suspect that I might have figured out where your cardinal went...


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